
MH17: Galeri Gambar Nahas

APABILA dipandang dari jauh, kibaran reben putih di celah-celah rumput di ladang jagung yang luas di timur Ukraine menjadikan ia suasana yang indah dan tenang.

Tetapi apabila didekati, keadaan itu akan menitiskan air mata kerana ribon putih tersebut menandakan kedudukan mayat mangsa MH17 yang dikenalpasti oleh anggota tentera puak pemisah.

Kesedihan pula akan menjadi lebih hiba dengan keadaan kecederaan mayat serta memikirkan nasib pesawat mereka yang telah diletupkan pada ketinggian 10,000 meter, lapor Dailymail.

Berita yang menjadi tajuk utama Mailonline itu turut mendedahkan bahawa kawasan nahas kini dimasuki orang awam yang merakam gambar serta meninggalkan bunga kepada mangsa.

Terdapat dikalangan orang awam yang hadir cuba menyusun barangan mangsa bersama bunga untuk memberi penghormatan dan akhirnya mereka pulang bersama linangan air mata mengenangkan nasib mangsa.

Pada masa sama juga, mayat-mayat yang terbiar sebelum ini mula dikumpul sementara menunggu pasukan penyiasat antarabangsa.

Penerbangan MH17 milik MAS yang membawa 298 penumpang dan anak kapal dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur pada Khamis telah ditembak jatuh di kawasan konflik di timur Ukraine.

Puak Pemisah pro-Rusia didakwa bertanggungjawab menembak pesawat awam berkenaan.

Heart-breaking: Looters are said to have raided the belongings of MH17 passengers. These photos were found amid the debris 

Disaster: Local residents of the eastern Ukrainian countryside stand among the wreckage of MH17

Tourist site: A man takes a photo of the charred remains of the plane. Pro-Russian rebels are accused of failing to protect the scene 

Ashen: Officials continue to scour the plane, shot down by a missile on Thursday, to identify the bodies
Operation: Rescue forces have started retrieve and remove bodies of passengers from the crash site of MH17

Debris: A man looks down at the wreckage of the downed flight. Rescue workers have begun piling up the 298 dead bodies 

Crash site: Ukrainian rescue workers have been allowed into the site to start collecting bodies of the victims

Tributes: Locals have come out in their droves to leave flowers and tributes to the dead among the flowers as the investigation continues

Distraught: One woman puts her hand up to her face as she looks at the wreckage site 

While residents have been able to leave flowers, staff of Europe's OSCE claim they were blocked from the site

Members of the Ukrainian Emergency Ministry worked late into the night retrieving bodies in body bags

Retrieve: Ukrainian rescuers have been working at the scene to remove the victims, in body bags, from the site
Horrific: Days after the crash, bodies an personal effects remain strewn across the eastern Ukraine field
Bodies are still strapped to seats as reinforcements are called in to help with the identification process

Harrowing: Describing the site today, a spokesman said: 'Some of the body bags are open and the damage to the corpses is very, very bad. It is very difficult to look at'



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